Sunday, October 13, 2013

Baked Sweet Potato Goodness!

It's fall, y'all! Sweet potatoes are back in season (just like pumpkin EVERYTHING)! You can get sweet potatoes year round, but I find that fall and winter are the 2 seasons that I enjoy using sweet potatoes the most.  We make baked sweet potatoes, yams, sweet potato casserole, sweet potato fluff, sweet potato cake, sweet potato fries... you catchin' my drift yet?

My favorite go-to sweet and simple dinner combination is grilled chicken and a baked sweet potato.  You can dress them however you like, but here in the South we like to make that sweet potato even sweeter.  It's just the right combination of sweet and savory. :)

Ingredients (for 4 people):
4 sweet potatoes, washed
dark brown sugar
Karo syrup

First you wanna pre-heat that oven to 400 degrees and let it start getting nice and warm.  Take the sweet potatoes and wrap them up in their own tin foil pouches (you don't have to do this, but I find that it makes the potato so much softer) and set them to the side.  Once the oven is pre-heated, stick them babies in the oven and set your timer for 1 hour (you may need a little longer depending on the SIZE of the sweet potatoes; check them every now and then if they are). 

Once they're out of the oven, let them cool a few minutes and then dress them how you like 'em.  I put about a teaspoon of butter on top and let it melt, then sprinkle brown sugar and drizzle the Karo over top of everything. Let the sweet potatoes sit in the juices for a few minutes before eating.

Yum yum! :)


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